美存托凭证 指美证券市场流通、司价证券转凭证。 市司将其股票银美银(银),些股票担,托美存托银些股票应存托凭证,美投资者购买,存托银责将股息兑美元美投资者,购买股票。种转契性票据,着非美司美司司股票。ADR美元标价清算割,易美。 American Depositary Receipt(ADR) A receipt that is issued by a U.S. depositary bank which represents shares of a foreign corporation held by the bank. Because ADRs are quoted in U.S. dollars and trade just like any other stock, they make it simple for investors to diversify their holdings internationally. They confer to their holders the same income and voting rights as the underlying shares and trade in the U.S. like other securities, although a small fee per share must be paid to the depository bank for each trade ad when dividends are cashed. Since until November 1998, European companies could not list their shares directly on U.S. exchanges, all cross-listings on U.S. markets had to be carried out by ADRs.
Im Jargon heißt das alternative dispute resolution (ADR). (Quelle: Die Zeit 2000)
ADR Operator (Quelle: Die Zeit 2002)
Fuji hatte die Ausgabe amerikanischer Aktien-Zertifikate (ADR) geplant. (Quelle: Die Welt Online)