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[die] ①宣言。宣告。声。通告。②布。布。颁布。③布道。灌输。。④传。传令。
pronouncement, promulgation, announcement, annunciation, proclamation, preaching, spreading, prophecy, heralding

[die] pl.Verlautbarungen 通告。告。新布。
announcement, report, press release

[die] 宣布。宣告。告。
announcing, announcement, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, preaching
  1. The Bush administration, it seemed clear from public remarks today, did not see the European announcement coming. (Quelle: Der Spiegel ONLINE)
  2. Aktueller Nachtrag "Microsoft's license agreement for Java": Stellungnahmen und Text bei bei (Quelle: Die Zeit 1997)
  3. Ad hoc-Service: Topcall International Ad-hoc announcement sent by DGAP. (Quelle: onvista Wirtschafts-News 2000)


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